In pursuance of its action plan for performance evaluation, assessment and accreditation and quality upgradation of institutions of higher education, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bengaluru has proposed that every accredited institution should establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a quality sustenance measure. The IQAC is envisaged to play a vital part in the institution’s quality assurance system and work towards ensuring quality enhancement and sustenance. The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a plan for conscious, consistent, and catalytic improvement in the institution’s overall performance, leading to its excellence in academic, co-curricular, and extra-curricular aspects.

The IQAC of Government College Attingal aims at the overall quality enhancement of the institution from both curricular and extracurricular perspectives. Acting as the nodal center of quality assurance in every aspect, it provides directions and support to faculty members on the mode of teaching-learning–evaluation processes and on the effective functioning of various academic and extracurricular bodies within the college. Periodical monitoring of academic and administrative processes is carried out based on the quality framework with performance indicators formulated as per the guidelines issued by the Higher Education Council and NAAC. The IQAC takes great care in the planning and conduct of college-level activities to ensure the timely submission of yearly AQARs and to make sure that the institution undergoes its fourth accreditation process successfully and with flying colors.

IQAC Vision

To promote quality culture as the prime concern of the college through institutionalizing and internalizing all the quality-enhancing and sustaining initiatives taken with internal and external support.