1.Title of the Practice: Maintenance of Bio diversity through Clubs and its activities.

2. Goal:

Bio-diversity is essential for a balanced eco system and is crucial for human health. Knowledge about the origin of bio diversity is increasing rapidly and it provides opportunities for basic and applied research for the students. The maintenance of a natural bio-diversity in the college and to make the students aware about the need to preserve and conserve is the aim of this practice.

3. The Context:

The uneven climatic conditions are a grave concern of today. In Kerala, the frequency of floods during rainy season and the prolonged summer season and the less density of rainfall during rainy season and the untimely arrival of seasons affects our existence very much. Along with that man’s encroachment to nature for constructing buildings, and other infrastructure adds to the issue. The overdependence on private vehicles is another concern to be shared. The increase in pollution affect humans a lot. It creates a lot of ailments of lungs and breathing problems for man. But it is a sad fact that we are unable to move away from this way of life. But one of the ways by which we can change the situation is by preserving the remains and also conserving the bio-diversity. So as an educational institution, it is the duty of the system and the members in the system to analyse the issues and to find a solution, or a remedy, so that the new generation is able to lead a peaceful life. So, maintaining biodiversity is essential for the physical and mental well-being of humans. To create awareness among students regarding biodiversity, the College have clubs like Bio Diversity Club, Nature Club and Bhoomithra Club. All students and teachers are members of any one of these clubs.

4. The Practice:

The college is located at Municipal town of Attingal, with a land area of 14.77 acres. The building area covers 9300 sq. The soil here is highly fertile, for the natural growth of trees and plants in the campus. The trees and plants are protected through proper fencing and the natural habitat has remained undisturbed. Through participation of members in various clubs these trees and plants are nurtured and ensure the presence of natural habitat. A pavilion with passion fruit plant is also maintained in the frontage of the campus to ensure green atmosphere. The barren non arable bushy area of land was utilised for the cultivation of paddy and growing vegetables with a view to impart the importance of agriculture among students. The initiatives are taken with the assistance of NSS Units, PTA, College Alumni, Department of Agriculture and Municipality of Attingal, along with the help of many clubs like Bhoomitra Club, Nature Club and Bio-diversity Club. The project of paddy cultivation helps to spark their interest in cultivation and also help them to learn the principles of agriculture. Further this is a practical and easy way to increase biodiversity which has an important role in maintaining ecological balance of nature. The turning back towards nature is a relevant and a crucial step forward for the sustenance of man’s development. The project is of great service to the society at large, and serves as a model which could be emulated by people concerned about man and the planet earth. The rice obtained from paddy cultivation is also given to fed the poor people in the locality. Another acclaimed thing related to the farming was that students dug up a pond near the field to source water for agriculture. This helps not only as a means of irrigation but also helps to maintain the water re-cycling mechanism in the college. The water body is recharged with the water flowing from the drainage and the nearby groves and trees helped to retain water even during heavy summer. The college also takes special care to put dustbins wherever necessary and take steps to sort degradable and non-degradable wastes. Special attention is taken to make the campus plastic free and care is taken not to hinder the atmosphere of the campus with the pollution from vehicles. The planting of saplings as related to the activities of the club also adds to the conservation of nature. The programme of the cultivation of paddy, planting of saplings, dicking of a pond for maintain the water recycling mechanism, avoidance of plastics, ban on vehicles inside the campus are all activities which enriched the land, environment, improved the mental and physical wellbeing of the people involved, helped to provide food for the poor and the needy, able to give organic food for the people. The richness of biodiversity associated with the field, grove and pond filled the mind and body with a new freshness, a freshness to look the world positively.

5. Evidence of Success

An eco-friendly atmosphere with clean environment is felt throughout the campus that in turn supplements the teaching learning atmosphere within the college. One of the greatest achievements that makes the college distinct and stand ahead in the name of biodiversity is the turning of a two acres barren land to a fertile cultivable land. The rich yield of rice from the paddy cultivation and are sold outside with the brand name of college and the vegetables are sold outside. Thus, along with conservation of bio-diversity, the programme is able to give a rich impetus for the sustenance of bio-diversity.

6.Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Uneven climatic conditions isa frequent threat in the maintenance of this natural bio-diversity. The flood of 2018 and 2019 that hit the land of Kerala affected us also. The immense use of pests in the farms in the nearby yards led to the attack of pesticide as we are depending on natural means of pest control. The lock down situation as a result of the pandemic covid 19 limited the continued monitoring of the bio diversity. Moreover, a minor negligence from the part of the students in any one of the clubs will affect the worst. So, to keep up the vigil to maintain, balance and preserve is a challenge to overcome.

7. Constitution

  • Principal
  • Members, Biodiversity Club
  • Members, Bhoomithra Club
  • Members, Nature Club
  • Programme officers, NSS